Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Last year when I was working up in Tully, Far North Queensland, there was an Aussie named Andrew, a kiwi really but he'd been in Oz for 20+ years, who had a name for his man parts. This name was Bruce. He told the boys this and not long after everyone called him Bruce.

The name Bruce evolved once we'd left Tully to encompass a particular type of Australian male, one having the original Bruce's traits. These included, but are not limited to, the following:

Alcoholic/Drinks too much and does not know how to handle his alcohol... loses control of motor skills, bodily functions, etc.
Smokes cigarettes and perhaps more things
Calls everyone just 'mate' most of the time
Swears profusely
Is easily aggravated and is often looking for a fight
Spends weekly wage in this order: Rent and bills, beer and liquor and smokes, food. Often has to borrow money by the end of the week.
Yells/talks too loud
Sometimes has multiple illegitimate children
Does seem to understand why he is often banned from the local pub
Often not very smart
Likes to talk about how great Australia is and will tell lies to make it sound better than everywhere else
Tattoos... many scratty ones

You get the idea.

Bruces are all over Australia; they're like kangaroos. From the outside Adelaide doesn't seem to have many, but over time you notice them more and more. I have a theory that every Australian has a little bit of Bruce in them ;)
The Original Bruce

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