Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Weekend Update

Saturday started out nice enough... driving through McLaren Vale

This past weekend was a long one because Monday was the Adelaide Cup. Yes, a horse race. A public holiday due to a horse race, due to one of Australias favourite vices: gambling! Andy and I decided we should get out of town and see some of what South Australia was to offer so we decided on a one night camping trip. Sure the forecast called for rain, but last time it rained in Adelaide it lasted about 30 minutes and it was like it didn't even happen 30 minutes after that. We set off Saturday morning for Deep Creek Conservation Park at the Southen tip of the Fleurieu Penisula. Our roomates had said you could see kangaroos and penguins here and we liked the penguin idea, a lot. It was a usual Adelaide day, clear skys, sunshine... this all changed as we made our way South. The clouds rolled in. Some raindrops fell. Great.
It seemed to have cleared up when we got to the campsite and set up our tent. Halfway through setting up the tent it began to rain. We got back into the car and waited it out. It didn't last long. We got the bedding into the tent and then it started to rain AGAIN. Into the tent we went this time. This time it lasted about an hour and it was raining cats and dogs. Our tent decided it wasn't so good at this type of pounding rain and began letting in a few drips. A few led to many and soon we had a few wet spots inside the tent. It was decision time: what do we do? It was only about 3pm but what if the rain doesn't stop all day? We won't be able to cook on our camp stove, we won't be able to eat! We decided the best course of action was beers. The rain stopped again and we hung out, standing, for a bit. Then it started again and we sat in the car. Next time it stopped we took a little walk and found out the hike to the cove where the penguins are was steep and not recommended in wet weather, not to mention the flipflops we were wearing weren;t the best choice of footwear.
Around 5pm the rain let up and we quickly cooked our food and then retreated into the backseat of the car to eat it all because, ta da, the rain started again!
Finally, the rain stopped and some blue cloud and sun peaked through. We went for a walk along the coast and saw dozens of kangaroos feeding. They didn't seem to mind the weather.


It rained some more as it was getting dark, and we decided to just go to sleep. Of course when I got up to go pee at around 10pm the sky was totally clear and the stars were amazing. But it was also freeeeeezing!

Next morning was more of the same: grey skies, rain, cold. Ugh. We packed up and decided to try some fishing at a popular jetty up the coast. This lasted about 20minutes before the rain and wind started again. At this point we drove home. By the time we got back into Adelaide the sky was clear and the sun had come out, it was even a little warm!

That afternoon Andy wanted to fish some more so we went to the Henley Beach jetty, about 10minute drive from our house, and the sky looked angry! The jetty had a roof over it at one point so Andy fished from there while the heavens opened and hammered down on us. Andy almost caught a fish this time, and also almost caught 3 crabs (they let go of the bait when they came out of the water).

Henley Beach Jetty

Rainbow over Henley Beach

On Adelaide Cup Monday the weather was shit again. We tried to go to a mall but everything was closed. We did however go to a pub and place a $5 bet on a horse for the race... our stupid horse came second! That's the last time I bet on anything ;)

In other news, I have another advertising chat this week and get inducted into the swim school on Monday. If all goes well I'll have a paying gig as a swim instructor by the end of the month! Oh yeah, it's my birthday on Sunday too :)

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