Thursday, October 9, 2008


I had an epic weekend in Toronto. I walked A LOT, drank a lot, and dance partied a lot. I could try to take account of the exact details here but I won't because that might spoil some of the epicness and you the reader might disagree that it was in fact not really that epic. But it was. I will indulge you in a highlight or two.
1. Chocolate Bar Day- Of the 21 bars only 20 were sampled (the last one waits for this weekend). The day started out strong with the first couple bars being at least half consumed. But from then on out only bite size pieces were cut off each bar. And even then getting through them all was somewhat of a chore and chocolate bar was expanded to two days instead of the originally designated one. We were weak, but it was still fun. And the sugar high I experienced was like nothing else! woooooooooooooooooooooo!
2. St Lawreance Market- I love this market. Just knowing that I could go down there on a busy Saturday morning to get fresh, delicous produce and then go home and cook up something amazing makes me want to live in Toronto . Mmmm Mmmmm!
3. Korea town- Korean BBQ and Norebang that's open til 4am... need I say more? NOPE. EPIC.

In other news... my Mom is paying me to clean the house later this week and before Thanksgiving weekend. Our usual cleaning lady has a broken leg and is therefore out of commission. So I'm doing it for the sweet beer money.
I'm really excited about Canadian Thanksgiving weekend. It will be my first in 6 years. I still feel the need to call it CANADIAN Thanksgiving, is that weird? Maybe? hahaha Anyways, turkey and gravy will really hit the spot in the gross coldness called the fall in this country. The thought of warm Australian sunshine is the only thing that will get me through these temperatures. The winter coat has already been broken out and it's only October 7th! Uh-Oh!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Winter coats and tall cans. Big tall cans full of dark beer. Waterfront property and leaves changing colours. COLOURS! WITH A U!!!!!