Friday, October 31, 2008

Hanauma Bay

Today I went to Hanauma Bay Nature Reserve. Again 'The Bus' was full to the brim, but the ride was much shorter... And again I was blown away by it. Since I planned to snorkel and just leave my stuff on the beach I didn't bring my camera, but damn I wish I did cuz was real pretty!
My hostel has snorkels available to borrow, so I took one those and a pair of my own goggles. The Reserve was $5 to get in but I thought the experience was worth much more. When you got there they made you file into a theater and watch a 9min video about the history of the bay (it's an old volcano carter that got filled in with ocean) and certain "rules" to follow while enjoying the bay.
I'll just cut to the chase- I saw a sea turtle, was within a foot of it, could've touched it but obeyed the park rule of no touchie. I also saw a ton of other fish including a few types of parrotfish, various types of tangs, a few kinds of surgeonfish (the orangespine ones were the prettiest), various butterfly fish, christmas wrasse (beautiful!), spotted blowfish, and a bunch of others. And then a bunch of coral and sea urchins and snails.
Shortly after I arrived it started to rain. I covered my stuff and went in the water anyway, but soon my goggles nosepiece broke so I had to get out and fix it. Then it started to pour! I hung around the restrooms building until it stopped and then put my stuff under a bench and went in again. The wind started to pick up and the rain was continuing on and off. I started getting cold (in the water!) and decided at the next sunny break I would get out, lay on the beach to dry out and then maybe go. Well as soon as I got out the sun went back behind the clouds and it rained some more. So I got the bus and came back here. And then I saw a rainbow! But I'm still cold, even after a hot shower... I guess maybe I should put socks and shoes on? haha Anyway, I highly recommend Hanauma Bay!

I've put up my pics from the rest of my time at home here... ask me for the password.
AND my Hawaii pics so far are available here!

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