Sunday, November 2, 2008

Halloween Waikiki Style

Happy belated Halloween!
When I was booking my flights and such at the beginning of September I was really struggling with what to do about Halloween. It has been my 2nd favorite holiday (Christmas is #1) for a number of years now and the thought of not being able to go all out was kind of, no, it was very upsetting. It came down to 3 basic options: 1) Don't leave Canada until November, 2) Fly out of Hawaii on the morning of the 31st and totally skip Halloween, and 3) Spend the "holiday" in Hawaii and risk being disappointed. Option 1 was quickly out, as I knew too long in the Great White North might kill me and I also didn't have a fail-safe Halloween party/outing like Boo Bash to go to. So after much deliberation and the fact that the Nov 4th departure was in the neighborhood of $100 cheaper, I ended up going with option 3 and crossed my fingers.
Well let me tell you, I made the RIGHT decision. The evening began pretty early. The hostel was throwing a BBQ for a small fee that started at 7:30 but most people started drinking well before then. I tried to not start until 8, but I think it was more like 7:45 or so. After two drinks I decided I should paint on my costume before I would be unable to do so. I was a cat. Really boring and lame, but I didn't have much to work with as I was not into buying something here and did not want to pack a costume either. I did pack black lipstick and black liquid eyeliner (reminants of the Goth costume in 2006). I also made my 'ears' out of a museum postcard, some masking tape, and a piece of pre-wrap. Compromises.


As more alcohol was consumed everyone started to loosen up, drinking games ensued at a few different tables, Ghostbusters was playing on the TV! and people were getting to know each other (as well as you can when you're a couple sheets to the wind. I don't remember most of the names I learned last night, oops). At around 10:30pm our guide (one of the hostel staff) told us it was time to go. We could hear that there was a fair number of people out in the streets but little did we know what awaited us beyond the walls of the courtyard.

The squid. Probably the most innovative costume at our hostel, he's Canadian obviously.

There were hundreds, if not thousands of people walking up and down the main drag of Waikiki, and a vast majority of them were dressed up!!! Heaven! There were lots of lame get-ups, but some of them were quite impressive as well, and the ones that really played the part of their costumes were the best, as always. I'm trying to remember some of the good costumes, but can't right now. The road was not closed to traffic so all these people were milling about and trying to get places on the sidewalks. It took us what felt like a long time to get to the club/bar we were heading to and at one point this Danish guy went into an ABC Store (there is one every block, not exaggerating) and got a sixer of Bud that we all shared (and tried not to get caught, there were lots of cops around). Needless to say, I was not so drunk anymore by the time we got to "The Red Lion," but drunk enough to shell out $10 cover! Luckily the drinks were reasonable. The rest of the night was spent dancing the night away with the Germans and the Danish guy showed me how they dance in Denmark, basically with reckless abandon ("You don't know these people; They'll never see you again." Great advice). By 2am I was done and me and buddy from Pheonix (Jason?) walked back to the hostel. He just could not get over the number of people still out at 2am and went on and on about it (Bars serve liquor until 4am here). I guess Pheonix is boring?


He's wearing a real diaper... is the gun also real? I do not know.

Japanese Bananas!!

Anyways, the scene last night did not even compare and put to shame the most crowded nights that I've seen on 6th Street, and I was down there during ROT Rally this year! hahaha

This morning I slept kind of late and decided it wasn't worth going to the North Shore for only a few hours (the bus ride alone is close to 4hours), so I just wandered around Waikiki, sat on the beach for a few hours, and had a giant Hawaiin Shaved Ice aka a snow cone. It made me feel sick :)

I'll post the rest of the Halloween pictures tomorrow, the internet here is being hella slow right now.

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