Monday, November 3, 2008

No Coffee = No Good

I’m blaming today’s mess on the fact that the hostel ran out of coffee so I didn’t have any with my breakfast. I went to the North Shore again. I had all these plans on where I would go and what I would see. I was going to start out with trying to see some sea turtles. I ended up getting off the Bus at this place called Turtle Bay Resort. I wasn’t sure if it where I wanted to be but got off anyway. I followed the signs that said “Shoreline Public Access” and found the beach. It was roughly a bay but it was really rough, the biggest waves I would see all day. I began to walk down the beach with thoughts of going around the resort (which included a gold course) and back to the road to catch the bus again and go somewhere else. Meanwhile it was sort of raining a misty rain, on and off since halfway into the bus ride. So I was going down the beach, taking my time, stopping to take pictures and look into tide pools. I came to a patch of rock in my path and instead of going around in went over it. It was flat but had sea weed growing on. As soon as I stepped on this rock I was in the air and then on my ass. It was fucking slippery! On the way down in my fall I rolled, twisted or did something to my ankle, scrapped my knee real bad and also got a few nicks on my foot. My first thought after this was “Shit! I broke my ankle!” I scrambled to my feet and realized I could walk, nothing was broken, and my skinned knee was what hurt most. The cuts were not deep, really cutting through the skin enough to make it bleed pretty good. I sat down and cleaned my cuts out the best I could with drinking water and then got up wanting to find the road or a nice place on the beach where I could let my wounds dry out a little and possibly elevate my foot. Then it started to rain for real. I was miserable. I wanted to go home L I ended up heading into the jungle and following this path that I realized it was a horse trail (I saw hoof tracks and poop) and most likely property of the resort. Trespass offence #1. The trail opened up onto the beach again and I was now facing a quiet bay. It was beautiful. I also saw houses on the other side of the bay and figured I could get back to the road somewhere over there. I was wrong. I ended up going through someone’s yard, Trespass #2, and then finally found asphalt. Then I saw a woman in the street, she smiled, I smiled back. Then I went this street and realized I was in a gated community! And was locked in! and I turned around and saw the sign that said “No Trespassing. Violators will be prosecuted.” Trespass #3! I went down another street in this community that ran parallel to the main road. But there was an effing 6-foot chain link fence all the way down and around this place! Panic. I snuck behind some nears by the fence and decided I would have to climb. The only other choice was waiting for a car to come in or out of the gates and risk being caught or worse—arrested in Hawaii! AHHH! So I found a spot along the fence that had the chain at the top folded over, through my towel over (which I had been carrying to soak up running blood from my knee), stuck a foot in the chain link and then swung myself over. My shirt got caught at the top and I ended up losing my balance on the landing and then again falling on my ass. There’s a hole in my shirt now but no one saw me.
I found a bus spot right by the front gates of the stupid place and it came eventually and took me away.
I ended up spending the rest of the day in Hale’iwa (the town on the North Shore). My knee has scabbed over well already but my ankle is pretty messed up. It’s fine when I walk but if I don’t move it for a while it gets stiff and takes a while to warm up. Hopefully it will be okay to surf on tomorrow, my last full day here. Sad.
I’ll add some knee pics tomorrow if I have time.

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