Friday, November 28, 2008

Happy Belated Thanksgiving American styles (Yesterday for me already)!

Yesterday, I made a sweet potato pie in celebration of this Yankee Thanksgiving and also in anticipation of what is to come… for me ATG has always been the last corner to turn before Christmas, yay! Less than 4 weeks! The pie turned out well, very sweet, just the way an American would like it. I didn’t pre-read the recipe very well and it ended up taking much longer then expected, but was worth the wait!
Since I last wrote a few things have happened. The first being that we had about 6 sunny days in a row! It was great! On Friday we spent most of the day at the beach. I surfed for a short while (the pre-surf Strongbow made me feel a little seasick, haha) and then we came home and Diva and I created a masterpiece veggie lasagna from the stuff we bought at the market the previous day. It was sooooo good and something we will def make again here and elsewhere. Friday night a couple of Elliot’s friends drove down from the Gold Coast and we had a few drinks here and then headed into town to check out a band that Kate and my Israeli Friends told us about (Our Israeli Friends are these 2 guys that we ended up getting a hitch home from two days in a row at around the same place and same time. Byron is a small town!). The band was Wild Marmalade, check out their Myspace, and they played at the Beachie. They were fucking awesome.
Saturday was pretty chill, the highlight being the joint purchase of a 1 litre vat of 30+ SPF sunscreen. I took note of when we started it in my datebook so that we can see how long it lasts.

On Sunday we headed up to the Gold Coast for the night. I drove and although it was a little nerve racking at first, the whole wrong side of the road and shifting gears was quickly no sweat. During the drive up the coast I became even more appreciative of being able to drive stick, it is a life skill I am very pleased to have obtained. Anyway, we stopped a few times to take some pictures of the ocean at different points as we took the coast roads instead of the Pacific Coast Motorway. When we arrived we started by walking along the beach in Surfer’s Paradise. Unfortunately it is Schoolies season (Grade 12 kids are done high school and flock to the coast in droves to party, party, party, and party some more. Never have I seen so many drunk 18 year olds. 17 year olds too) and the place was crawling with drunk kids. We then met up with Elliot’s friends again and they took us down to Burleigh Heads Beach for a little Sunday night drum circle and fire twirling. It was sweet. We had burgers, drank gin and tonic, and took in the beats and flames. Then we went back to their place and played Scategories! Haha


Surfer's Paradise

The next morning we got up early and headed back to Surfers to have breakfast at Pancakes in Paradise. They were pretty good, a little pricey, and Kerby is still the best, but really hit the spot. Then we hit Starbucks. I was thinking I might get a Eggnog latte to get into the holiday spirit a little early but they didn't have them! So I just got a regular coffee (I forgot what drip coffee tasted like and how freaking good it is!) and we found eggnog in the IGA here last week too so it's all good.

I love Starbucks


Then we went to the mall! The giant mall- Pacific Fair. I finally got a cell phone, or a mobile phone I should say, and all is now right in the world. Although I still can’t get my international texts to send. After that is was back to the beach to drop off Diva (she and Elliot stayed an extra night) and Kate and I drove back to have the car back for our roommate (it was his car).

Fooling around in the mall... Photobucket censored this picture because of the nakedness.

That night, back in Byron, Kate and I finished off the bottle of gin and our kind of odd, computer science Phd roommate, Sean (the one whose car we borrow) came out and is like, 'oh, do you want some more?' and gives us his bottle of Bombay gin (we were drinking Gordon's, not as nice and only 37% vs 47%) and says just don’t drink it all. Very generous of him and we did not drink it all.
The rest of this week went by really fast. It rained for most of Wednesday but we had Sean’s car again and went into town to buy some craft supplies. We made dream catchers. Mine isn’t done yet because I ran out of string.
Today I biked into town and met up with Kate and we met up with Steve the Security Guard who gave us the keys to our new place. He is basically our landlord, will be collecting rent etc. We walked from town to survey the new place once more before the move and were surprised to find that the woman who lives in the converted garage owns a small child. We’re not sure if this small boy lives in the garage with her, as it was not aforementioned to us, or if he just visits her on weekends or just visits sometimes and lives somewhere else. It was confusing to say the least. But I guess we’ll see how it pans out. We’ll be moving in tomorrow and Sunday and are all very excited to explore the area. There are abandon train tracks that run near the street and we think they might be the fastest way to get to the beach and into town. An adventure is definitely on the horizon. The freedom to be able to bike into town on a bike path and not having to hitch is also something we’ve been looking forward to. There’s a public bus stop right next to our place too and even the walk to town isn’t too bad, around 3km, that’s hardly anything at 3am after a night out on the town ;)

PS You may have noticed a few format changes I’ve made to the old blog recently. The links to the pictures are all along the side now and will be updated regularly. Again, you’ll have to ask me for the passwords :)

And if you'd like to call me or send me mail I can give you my number and address upon your request if I like you. haha

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