Tuesday, November 4, 2008

I Might Be a Natural

Day was/is my last full day in Hawaii. I fly out tomorrow at 8am and am getting up at 5am, yuck! So today was a day of last minute things. First I did a bunch of shopping and then mailed a little something something home and sent a few postcards. Then I had a plate lunch, which I guess is popular here. The basic plate lunch consists of a meat, two scoops boiled rice, and one scoop macaroni salad. I got mine with Teriyaki Pork and in the mini size (one scoop of rice, less meat). The mac salad is basically macaroni and mayo. It was just okay. Then I did something that I should of done a week ago... I rented a surfboard and went surfing on Waikiki! Why I didn't do this earlier I do now know. I was expecting it to be really difficult but it totally wasn't... I think I might be a natural?? I was standing up on the board in no time and by the end of the few hours I was out there my balance had improved and I was able to actually stear the board a little. The swimming background is a definate asset, paddling was the easiest part for me, while I noticed my fellow novice surfers barely went anywhere when they tried to paddle and catch a wave. My wakeboard experience didn't hurt either, as it helped me know how to stear the board when I was up. I had a little trouble judging whether an approaching wave was going to break or not and worth catching, but quickly caught on to that too. I think I was lucky to learn/teach myself/begin at Waikiki since the break isn't very big (I would guess they were 2-4ft from the front), there was no riptide or other ocean currenty things to deal with, and the bottom was all soft sand and deep enough that should you fall off (I definately did in the beginning) you don't hit bottom or anything. The only problem was that it was crowded. I collided with a paddle boarder at one point and thank gawd for the leash, otherwise I would've got a board in the face! haha

Well tonight is my last night. I still have to pack and do some other last minute things like drink the last of my two beer in the fridge. It is this awesome beer a fellow hostel guest discovered and shared. It's called "Pipeline Porter," has coffee in it and tastes like CHOCOLATE! Could there anything better than chocolate beer? Probably not! It's made by The Kona Brewing Company, let me know if they import to Canada!

Next time you hear from me I'll be Down Under!


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