Thursday, November 20, 2008

All Rained Out

Last night we had a large-ish storm, (medium by Texas standards) and by morning the clouds were all rained out... finally! Today has been the most beautiful day in Byron for me yet, this may be because it had rained for 4 days straight with no end in sight and any sunlight is a welcome change.
Diva, Elliot (Diva's b/f who got here yesterday) and I got up early-ish and hitched into town for some Thursday morning market action and a big breakfast. The market is every Thursday from 8-11am and is a collection of local farmers and merchants selling everything from fruits and vegetables to fresh meat and eggs, coffee, baked goods, and awareness.
After we had picked up what we needed for a potentially epic veggie lasagna (tomorrow's project) we headed to a restaurant called Why Not!, which is owned by the same people that own the place where Diva works- The Figtree. They sure know how to make breakfast in this town.
The next few hours were spent getting some much needed beach time. It felt so good after all the rain we've had. Then I had a milkshake because I told myself it would be my prize after we found a new place to live. That's right, we have a new house, starting Nov 30th, that is closer to town (on the bike path!) and very close to one of the beaches. And it is shockingly, yes SHOCKINGLY, cheap.
This Sunday we plan to take a little roadie up to the Gold Coast- Surfer's Paradise and all that jazz- and I will finally get a phone and you all can call me whenever because apparently all incoming calls are free in this country!

Since the last blog entry I have had some Byron Bay Cookie Co cookies and they are magnificent!

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