Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Thanksgiving Weekend

Happy Thanksgiving one day late! I hope you all reading this had a lovely weekend with family and/or friends and some turkey and potatoes!

I had both an awesome and horrible weekend... it started Thursday night at Bar None seeing the Vancouver band 'Mother Mother.' Doors were at 8pm and we got there around 9 I think, thinking they would be on pretty soon. We didn't know there would be two opening bands... two bad opening bands. The first group sounded like they had maybe practiced once maybe twice before. Pretty awful. But at least they're sweet tie dyed outfits matched! haha The next band was better, had definately played a gig or two before, but they were still quite poor. The two openers made Mother Mother seem like gods: Polished and professional. But they really were fucking awesome! They are touring around Ontario right now and I highly recommend checking them out, plus they are cheap!

So on Friday I went down to My Bar for import night Stellas and made plans for Saturday night. These plans made my Saturday night house party morph into an all out dance party. I had a big list of songs to download for dancing purposes and even different chapters of music/dance styles to follow in order to rock out to the max. INTENSE. Saturday had high expectations.

Well Saturday came and I prepped during the day and then started drinking early, around 7, before my guests arrived. That was probably my biggest mistake of the weekend. I proceeded to drink more when party goers got here and thats about all I remember. I was told later that I had a great time and danced my heart out. I'm still a little upset about having little memory of it though, it's like I wasn't even there :( A lot of pictures were taken and the next morning when I looked at them I was pretty shocked since I could not recall some of the events. Anyways and needless to say, my blackout party ended up in vomit and then next day was spent deep in a gravol induced sleep because I was determined to enjoy Thanksgiving dinner! By 4pm I was up and the party mess from the night before was cleaned up and I had taken a dunk in the lake and felt a lot better. Lucky for me TG dinner wasn't until 7pm and despite feeling dopey from the gravol it was delicious. My first Canadian Thanksgiving in 6 years! Crazy!

On Monday my sister went wakeboarding. She's nuts!

So that was my Thanksgiving Weekend and with that out of the way, the countdown begins... only 12 more sleeps in Canada left!
P.S. You'll need a password to see those pics, so maybe if you ask me nicely...

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