Monday, October 27, 2008


Well leg one of today’s journey is over. I am currently sitting in YVR killing time before my 4:45pm departure to Honolulu. I, of course, couldn’t turn down one last party night in Canada last night and was thus up late and am now fighting a mean headache… it could just be from lack of sleep though (haha) since I had to get up at 7am to shower and make final preparations. I felt kind pukey and didn’t even want to think about food and needless to say did not pack a snack, which would be awesome right now. There is a Tim Horton’s a few gates down so I should probably hit that shit up before take-off.
So I land tonight at 8pm local time and then will have to figure out how to get the bus with my giant backpack to the hostel I booked. Then I think I will spend all of Monday wondering aimlessly through Waikiki. Tough life.
Anyway, this is the beginning and I’m finding it hard to believe that I’m actually doing it, finally! I would say right now I’m a little nervous because I do not know what tomorrow holds, but I’m trying to stay positive and turn that nervousness into excitement. Hopefully the beauty of Hawaii will blow all these mixed emotions away and it’ll be smoooooooth sailin’. Holla!

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