Saturday, July 7, 2007


yeah, we are almost in room 1408, how scary would that have been? haha
Anyway, I discovered, or was lead to, the "business centre" in our hotel today, so I am back online, yay!
I'm still in Montreal, we're doing a pre-Pan Ams training camp or staging camp, basically just putting the final preparations into our bodies and whatnot in order to swim fast in less than 2 weeks, yay!
So things are going well, all settled in and such, and into the good old routine of swim, eat, sleep repeat. hahaha. We are staying in a hotel in the heart of Montreal so there is lots to see and do if we so please. However, all I want to do is rest ie watch TV or read all day between workouts and get massages everyday :)
We only have a few more days in Montreal, we fly to Rio overnight on Tuesday... I am starting to get really excited about the meet again (after my collision/shitty weekend swims) and going back to Brazil!!

Hope all is well with all of you...


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