Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Brazil Tomorrow...?

So tomorrow is the big day, the big travel day that is. After almost 2 weeks in Montreal we are finally heading to Brazil and Pan Ams!! It is going to be a super long travel day and I am really not looking forward to it, but there will be gold at the end of this rainbow... haha.
I still have to pack up all my shit and organize my carry-ons and wash some clothes (these red hoodies and towels that have been leaking red dye onto the white t-shirts they gave us, fun!)
Last night we had a team BBQ at one of the coaches house (he lives in a suburb of Montreal). It was good times chillin in his backyard outside the noise of the city... the whole time we've been here they've been ripping apart our hotel's street. The jack-hammering starts at like 7:15am, so sleeping in is pretty much out of the question. I think I may have mentioned this in the previous post, but oh well, you would complain about it too if you were living in this hole of a hotel... the tap water in our room has been runnning brown as well, thank gawd theres a gorcery store around the corner with cheap bottled water.
Anyway, I must be off to pack and eat dinaire, team meeting at 6:30! EEEEEEEEE!
Look for the next blog from RIO!


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