Thursday, July 12, 2007

Door to door service in just 25 hours!

It took us 25 hours but we made it to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
We left our hotel at 1:30pm EST and got here at about 4:30pm Rio time (one hour ahead, Atlantic time I guess).
We would have been here at 11am but we had a major delay in NYC at JFK... and I thought international flights didn't get delayed. It was for 4 hours and was due to air traffic control being backed up... a bunch of other flights were delayed our cancelled there too. Anyway, the flight was as bad as anticipated, I took a gravol and ended up sleeping for 5 or 6 hours (of a 9 hour flight), I was awakened occassionally by crying babies. I hate babies, especilly the ones that cry.
Once we got to Sao Paulo we were quickly deplaned and put through security, only to be put back on the same plane to get to Rio (why we had to even get off the plane in the first place, I don't know). Once in Rio we went through customs together and then got our accrediation and luggage (which still isn't at the village yet, and it's like 9pm, shitty) and got on a bus to take us to the village. We got to drive past the ghetto, which is unlike any ghetto I have ever since, I tried to get some drive-by shots but I'm not sure how they turned out. It is like a high poverty area, almost like a post-war zone, but there are soccer fields scattered throughout and kids playing the game, usually with no shoes.
When we arrived at the village I felt like I was in Miami. The village buildings have that art deco feel and are in bright colors.
After dumping our carry-ons we had a late lunch (food will be a challenge, it is not very good) and then went to the pool for a swim. As soon as we got there it started to rain and continues to.
The pool though, is breathtakingly amazing! I can't wait to race in it!!!!! and see it in daylight! haha
Well, I have to go get my HBC outfitting and make sure everything fits.
LIz 2

(I'm Liz 2 because Liz 1 in my roommate Liz Collins (she's a few months older))


Anonymous said...

nice picture of your father at the beginning; never seen that suit before, must be for special occasions. your parents head out today, we volunteered to let greg out of his cage every couple of days for a bit of exercise.
we are cheering for you, rah rah rah.
go get em

Anonymous said...

glad to hear you made it in one piece and that your flying experience wasn't quite as bad as the first leg.
Can you not post pics on here? I want to see this pool you speak of!!!
Good Luck!!!