Friday, July 13, 2007

Thanks HBC? haha

We got our bags last night and are now we are now settled in quite nicely.
After a pretty decent sleep we went to the pool in daylight, though it was still overcast and a bit rainy, and the pool still looks cool, but it's dirty. Amazingly dirty for how new it's supposed to be.
Anyway, swim, lunch, short rest, swim, Flag raising ceremony... were Governor General of Canada was present and said a few words, and the mayor of the Vila Pan Americana spoke to us in portugese as well (and then badly translated). It was followed by a sweet drum group of Brazilian youth doing a little drunming and dancing, it was actually really cool. They could definately challenge the Fort Henry Guard Drums...
After dinner we were sent to the basement to change sizes and get things altered of our HBC team Canada gear. The stuff is okay in terms of it fitting well and being well made; but, I would like to meet the designer and ask him or her what is wrong with him or her. It is nearly impossible for most of the males to NOT look they belong in a Gay Pride parade in a few of the shirts. And since when are Canada's colors khaki, pink, blue, gold, yellow, and green? Luckily our "Podium Wear" is red and white (and gold).
Also, this afternoon at the pool I saw team USA, including the Texas contingent, and Tinnon my roommate in Austin. They looked tired as they had just got in... us yesterday.
Anyway, I've got to get going I have a massage at 8 and a team meeting at 8:30! yay!

Liz 2

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Look. I left a comment. ahaha
Did you give the US team an evil glare?