Saturday, July 14, 2007

No Thanks, Opening Ceremonies.

Today we got up and went to the pool as usual, except we all had to go in the morning because apparently the pool closed at noon because of opening ceremonies. But then tonight at dinner we found out that the Americans had gone to the pool in the afternoon... so either they~re getting special treatment or someone on our staff is a dumbass, haha. Luckily the 8am wake-up is not bad compared to the before 7 ones we were having in Montreal.
Today was also finally a beautiful day outside. It was sunny and warm, but not too warm, well atleast I thought it wasn~t too warm, others thought otherwise.
So after swimming in the morning we had all day to do nothing... it was great. I read and made door posters/signs (we drew names and had to create a door sign for the person whose name you drew... the girls each did one girl and one boy since the boys didn~'t want to make signs for each other... ) for my people.
Also, I guess if we were not swimming on the 1st or 2nd day we had the choice of going to opening ceremonies. I wasn~t aware of this choice, but didnt want to go anyway... too much standing and waiting. We did watch a little bit of it on TV... looked like the same old, same old.
ALso, today my parents arrived in Rio. Or at least they supposed to... I'm assuming they're at their resort up the coast.

Hope Canada and Texas aren't too hot!
Happy Friday the 13th! and 24th bday Laura!!


1 comment:

catherine said...

Following your blog is fun! Let's see a picture of the pool and some outfits!