Monday, July 16, 2007

Almost there...

Saturday was a busy day.
We slept in and did nothing about all day! well that's not entriely true... me and Liz (Collins, Liz 1) tired on our racing suits and had a little photo shoot, so that definately killed some time. We had relay practice at the pool at 7pm. Relay practice consisted of relay exchanges. After that was dinner and a little chill time.
Today got up and had breakfast (which is my fav meal at the cafeteria) then went to the pool and kinda dinked around and did some loosen swimming.
Then we had a team meeting back in the village, going over protocol for the meet, like where the ready-room is and how early to be there, where to go after you swim, massage location, etc. Pierre also played some "inspirational" clips, including a Molson Canadian commercial, haha.
After that we fought the wind and found a quiet area on lawn outside our building (the wind is craaaazy today!) to do our rookie skits... There were 4 skits: one was Chanelle and coach John doing a portugese soap opear where they spoke in "portugese" and someone else translated from a script in english... very entertaining. Next was Richard and Caity's James Bond, reversed roles skit, also VG. Then Chad and Hilary did a rap to the tune of "This is why I'm hot" where they had to include everyone on the team's name somehow. it was maybe the best one. Lastly Tommy, or Sammy Taco as he is now known as, and Zsofi did "pick up lines". Tommy wrote one for each girl, while Zsofi wrote one for each boy. then just before they said them they were instructed to switch lists, so Tommy tried to pick up the boys, and Zsofi the girls. All and all it was a pretty good rookie initiation... though I've seen better. sorry.
I just got back from lunch and will probs take a nap in a bit before heading back to the pool for my "Stinger" (a hard/fast effort in the pool) " a la Kim Brackin.
The meet finally starts on Monday evening, at 7, and then I swim 100back on Tuesday night! Gaaaaaaaaaaah, I can't wait!
Results should be available on in the pan ams section, or at the Rio07 website, the link to that is also available through the above link. Go to 'Schedule and Results' on the left and then click on the day you want for swimming. I think they might be slow with the results as the open water ones weren't up for hours... ohyeah! One of our open water girls won the bronze yesterday in the 10k! (they only do the 10k at pan ams, this is the first time open water has been competed at Pan ams.) A bunch of us watched it on TV, live, it was very exciting! She, Tanya Hunks (formly of Hamilton/Brantford area), definately got us off to a great start! It was such a good close race, she was only 7 tenths of a second behind the first place girl. CRAZY!
Anyway, I should get upstairs to my nap!


PS Hey Greg and Julia, I wanna see some pics from the party!

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